
Modern Controls for
Modern { API-first } Companies

Building a successful (open source) infrastructure business is hard enough, enabling customers to trust your cloud service shouldn’t be. Go from self-serve to enterprise use cases in minutes.

Effortlessly build an enterprise-ready cloud service, from an open source project or otherwise.


Enterprise-ready without the infrastructure tax

Katanemo helps you keep pace with today's usage patterns - effortlessly onboard a start-up of 2 engineers or an enterprise of thousands of employees. With rich support for API keys, OAuth2.0, and SSO via OIDC/SAML - focus on your customers, not catching up to your competitors.

Build internet-scale

Today, developers are forced to make the unacceptable trade-off between modern safety controls and operating under a strict latency budget. Katanemo offers ARC, a blazing fast lightweight utility that intelligently caches permissions data, allowing developers to achieve least-privilege without compromising latency.

Superior security without compromising usability

Your customers won’t have to choose between security and a great user experience. Make collaboration safe and easy using Katanemo’s fine-grained access control APIs and attestation features.

Katanemo as your superpower to build cloud businesses

Katanemo is a powerful identity and fine-grained permissions system that enables you to achieve exceptional isolation and privacy of API operations and data, while unlocking safe collaboration use cases that can make your services sticky and more desirable to users, organizations and enterprises.

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Build modern software companies without the infrastructure tax

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@katanemo 2023
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@katanemo 2023